

(A.6) Doklo Sohor Governance System

 6. Doklo Sohor Governance System

The Khadia are a prominent tribe of Jharkhand. It belongs to Proto-Australoid. Its language is Khadia, in which words of Mundari. Oraon and Aryan languages are also found. People of this caste are spread in Gumla, Simdega in Jharkhand and Ranchi, Odisha and Chhattisgarh. Most of the people in Jharkhand are in the Neeru region (Simdega). Their origin is said to be Ro Jung There are three types of Khadia-Pahari Khadia, 'Dood Khadia' and 'Dhelki Khadia." Among the Khadia people, all the residents of a single village belong to a gotra. The village has Maltos, Pahans and especially Kartahas. In an area, the traditional self-government system of Kharia people includes Mahato, Pahan and Kartaha.


Mahto is the main person of the village. The people, who once settled in the village, give the title of Mahto to a person by calling him the main person of the village. This dynasty is a traditional term. But they can be changed with the consent of the villagers.


The person who performs pooja in village festivals is called Pahan. They are also known as Kato! They are called for marriage and public festivals. Such as Fagu Pooja, Karama Pooja. New Crop Worship. Well, Tree Marriage etc. This designation is also traditional. But it can also be changed.


Every village has a Kartaha who is also its leader and conductor. The villagers work Every village has a Kartaha who is also its leader and conductor. under his advice and The villagers work under his advice and permission. Kartaha decides permission, Kartaha about village quarrels and settles all disputes. It is his essential task decides about village to call a people's meeting and solve the problems of the village. He quarrels and settles all disputes is not paid any salary from the village for this post. The person is removed from his position if he does not follow the rules himself or if there is some defect. A person who knows the customs of his caste accurately, puts a proposal for appointment to the post of Kartaha. For selection, Khadia elders from that area gather at one place who select Kartaha. In the village, when a family is declared impure, then for its purification, worship is done in a particular area by Pahan (Bhaat Bhitaar). The purification of such a family is done by Kartaha.

The village quarrel is settled by convening a meeting in the village in the presence of Mahto, Pahan and the village elders. The presence of the village Mahto is necessary in this meeting. Land and property disputes settlement is the main role of Mahto. Punishment is decided by consensus. Barring murders, other serious cases are dealt with by Mahto and other elders of the village. It is considered a crime to have sexual relation with a boy or a girl in the village. For this, severe punishment is given by the society.

The Khadia society consists of a total of nine gotras such as Dungdung, Kullu, Tete, Ba, Kerketta, Soreng, Kindo. Toppo and Willung. All the nearby tribes of villages get together to form a regional administration mechanism, which is known as Khunt, to resolve disputes among themselves. Its president is elected only from a Kartaha. This post is called 'Khadia Ghat."

Around 1934-35 AD when the entire tribal society was awakening with the development of education, around this time, the leaders of the Khadia caste also formed the All India General Assembly to organize, empower and solve their problems. It is known as Doklo" The chairman of Doklo, who is the king of the entire Khadia society, is called 'Doklo Sohor. In the Khadia language, Doklo means meeting. In Doklo, prominent representatives of all the regions-Mahto, Pahan, Kartaha gather. Kartaha people make all arrangements to call a meeting. These people gather once a year. In this meeting, the people of Khadia tribe elect Doklo Sohor. They have a tenure of 3 years; Any problem related to more than one village or gotra is resolved under the chairmanship of Doklo Sohor. The work of organizing and strengthening the Khadia society is also done by them. They act as representatives of the Khadia society in a broad way. The Kartaha of each village informs the Khadia Raja (Sohor) of the incident and problems in his village. With the permission of the king, he resolves the village quarrel or problem. The village presents the report to the king after deciding the quarrel, etc. Khadia king is also the secretary (Likhakar). Khajanchi (Tinjaukad) and advisor (Dewan). The Secretary prepares the report and keeps track of Khajanchi Khadia Fund. The king decides himself with his ministers in large cases. Determines fines based on litigation. After the verdict comes, the king uses some part of the money received as salary for his ministers. If there is a case of quarrel and unethical behaviour, then one party takes Khasi and the other party gets a fine of Hadiya and Bhat. Iqaranaama is written after making a Rajinama before food. To include a non-Khadia in the society before the Khadia Mahasabha, to give the identity of Khadia to a child whose father is not Khadia: but the mother is Khadia, for the marriage of Khadia and non-Khadia people. The motion is brought. The President of Khadia Mahasabha with the advice of the dignitaries of the Khadia community, always strives for the progress of this society.

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