Santhal Pargana Tenancy (Supplementary Provisions) Act, 1949
SPT PYQ SPT ACT(6th JPSC) (1) Under Santhal Paragana Tenancy Act, 1949, Khas village means a village in which there is : (A) No Muiraiyat (B) No headman (C) Both A and B (D) None of the above (2) Under Santhal Paragana Tenancy Act, 1949, the village Headman's office is: (A) Transferable: (B) Non-Transferable (C) Hereditary (D) None of the above (3) Under Section [of the Santhal Paragana Act, 1949, a land which is not recorded as such shall be recognized or treated as mulraiyat ka jote (private holding) or mulraiyat jote. (official holding). (A) 9 (C) 7 (B) 8 (D) 10 (4) According to Sec. 33 of the Santhal Paragana Tenancy Act, 1949, settlement of waste land is liable to be set aside if not cultivated within. years. (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) B (5) Under Sec. 22 of the Santhal Paragana Tenancy Act, 1949, a raiyat may make over his holding temporarily on trust for cultivation to a raiyat after notifying to the SDO and Headman or mulraiyat in the following circumstances. (A) his temporary absence from the village (B) loss of plough cattle (C) the raiyat being a widow/minor (D) all the above SPT ACT (7th JPSC) (1) Transfer of Raiyat rights is in section – 21, 14, 20, 19 (2) Settlement of waste land liable to be set aside if not cultivated within – 3 years/ 7 years/ 5 years/ 9 years (3) Raiyat land is in section – 23, 43, 22, 42 (4) All application made under SPT shall be made within ____ from the date of occurring the cause of action 1 year/ 3 year/ 5 year/ 7 years (5) Provision of review is in section- 40/50/60/70 |
- District of Santhal Parganas was formed in 1856, covering parts of Bhagalpur and Birbhum districts; this area was earlier called 'Jangaltari Track/ 'Damin-i-koh'/'Narikhand' (ancient times) The residents within this region comprised mainly the tribals.
- This region had never been under control of any rule. The natives of this region were the 'Paharia' people. It is the peculiarity of this region that the holdings or zamindari records are listed in revenue records under "Touji' numbers. The owners and zamindars of these 'Toujis' used to pay the rents and arrears of revenue to relevant district magistrates. This convention has been discontinued after abolition of zamindari system.
- 'Santhal Parganas Settlement Regulations Act, 1872', the first act for Raiyats was enacted this region in 1872. This was the first tenancy act in Santhal Parganas region, then Government of Bihar constituted the 'Santhal Parganas Enquiry Committee 1937' after reviewing the Settlement report of Mr Ganzer. It was on the basis of the recommendations of this committee that 'Santhal Parganas Tenancy Act, 1949' was formulated. There are 9 chapters and 72 sections in all in this act..
List of Chapters in Santhal Pargana Tenancy Act 1949
CHAPTER I (Section 1-4) Short title, commencement and extent
CHAPTER II (Section 5-11) Village Headmen and Mulraiyats
CHAPTER III (Section 12-26) Raiyats
CHAPTER IV (Section 27-42) Settlement of waste land vacant holdings
CHAPTER V (Section 5-11) Rent
CHAPTER VI (Section 53) Acquisition of Land by Landlord for Certain Purposes
CHAPTER VII (Section 54-63) Judicial Procedure
CHAPTER VIII (Section 64-66) Limitation
CHAPTER IX (Section 67-72) Miscelleneous Provisions
Santhal Parganas Tenancy (Supplementary Provisions) Act, 1949
1. Short title, commencement and extent.
2. Power to vary local extent of the Act and effect of the withdrawal of the Act from any area.
3. Repeal.
4. Definitions.
5. Appointment of a village hweadman of a khas village.
6. Landlord to report the death of village headman.
7. Village headman to be granted patta and to execute kabuliyat and furnish security.
8. Landlord to supply copies of jamabandi and record of rights to newly appointed village headman.
9. Non transferability of village headman's office.
10. Only land recorded as such to be treated as mularaiyat ka jote and mulraiyati jote.
11. Headmen's reward fund.
12. Classes of raiyats.
13. Rights of raiyat in respect of use of land.
14. Raiyats not to be ejected by order of the Deputy Commissioner.
15. Raiyat's right to manufacture tiles and bricks.
16. Raiyat's right to construct bandhs, etc. on his own holding and to enjoy fish and other produce.
17. Rights of raiyats in trees on his own holding.
18. Raiyat's right to erect buildings.
19. Division of holding and distribution of rent.
20. Transfer of raiyat's rights.
21. Transfer of raiyati land by bhugutbandha or complete usufructuary mortgage by a nonaboriginal raiyat and its limits.
22. A raiyat may make over his holding temporarily on trust for cultivation.
23. Exchange of raiyati land.
24. Registration of certain transfers of raiyati holdings.
24A. Registration of certain transfers of homestead.
25. Payment of landlord's registration fee, etc. compulsory at the time of the registration of a deed of gift or sale of a raiyati holding or a portion thereof.
26. Effect of registration.
27. Settlement of waste land to be made by patta in prescribed form.
28. Principles to be followed in settling waste land or vacant holding.
29. A mulraiyat, Pradhan or village headman not to settle waste land or vacant holding with himself or comulraiyat without the sanction of the Deputy Commissioner.
30. Vacant holding not to be subdivided for purpose of settlement.
31. Two or more village headman, comulraiyat or landlords to settle waste land jointly.
32. Objection before the Deputy commissioner against settlement of waste land and vacant holdings.
33. Settlement of waste land liable to be set aside if not cultivated within five years.
34. Suitable portions of the village wasteland may be settled for the purpose of being used as Jaherthan or burning or burial ground in consultation with gram Pradhan or mul raiyat or the deputy commissioner
35. Water reservoirs and canals for irrigation, etc. not be cultivated or converted to other purposes.
36. Rivulets or nalas on the boundaries of villages, burning and burial grounds, camping grounds, boundary marks, roads, paths and places of worship not to be settled.
37. Raiyat's right to graze cattle
38. Grazing land shall not be cultivated.
39. Raiyat's right to excavate tanks, etc., other than their holdings.
40. Right of fishery in a khas tank not to interfere with raiyat's rights.
41. No settlements of vacant holding and wast land in a Paharia village with a nonPaharia.
42. Ejectment of a person in unauthorized possession of agricultural land.
43. Rent in the kind not to be realized or recognised by any Court.
43A. Time for payment of rent.
44. Raiyat, village headman and mulraiyat not liable to transferee of landlord's or mulraiyat's interest for rent paid to former landlord or mulraiyat, without notice of the transfer.
45. Payment of rent by postal money order.
46. Maintenance of account of rent of each raiyat by village headman, mulraiyat or landlord.
47. Receipts for rent and interest thereon.
48. State Government to prepare forms of receipts and statement of accounts.
49. Rent to be first charge on holdings.
50. Reduction of rent for special reasons.
51. Duration of reduction of rent.
52. Penalty for exaction by landlord, etc., from tenant of anything in excess of the rent payable.
53. Acquisition of land by landlord for building and other purposes.
54. Power of State Government to make rules regarding procedure.
55. Successive suits against raiyat for recovery of rent.
56. Ejectment.
57. Appeals.
58. Second Appeal.
59. Revision.
60. Review.
61. Order not revisable on technical grounds alone.
62. Control over Deputy Commissioner and Deputy Collectors.
63. Bar to suits.
64. General rule of limitation.
65. Limitation for ejectment suits.
65A. Effect of repeal.
66. Limitation for appeals.
67. Penalties.
68. Service of notice on landlord.
69. Bat to acquisition of right over certain lands.
70. Recovery of dues.
71. Power to make rules.
72. Saving of special enactments.