

(B.2) Tribals of Jharkhand

 2. Tribals of Jharkhand

According to 2011 census of tribal group in Jharkhand is 26.2% of the total population of the state. Jharkhand has 32 tribal groups. One bunch of such tribal groups, who are the poorest of poor, are called Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) and Jharkhand is home to 8 such tribal groups. These people are characterized by homogeneity of language, relative physical isolation and shyness to the outer world.

Composition of PVTGs of Jharkhand

Mal Paharia,Sauriya paharia, Korwa, Parhaiya, Asur, Birhor, Savar, Birjia


Classification of Tribes

The tribes in Jharkhand were originally classified on the basis of their cultural types by the Indian anthropologist, Lalita Prasad Vidyarthi.

1. Hunter – gatherer type – Birhor, Korwa, Pahadi Kharia
2. Shifting agriculture – Sauriya Paharia
3. Simple artisan – Mahli, Lohra, Karmali, Chik Baraiki
4. Settled cultivator – Santhal, Munda, Oraon, Ho, Bhumij, etc.


Tribes of Jharkhand are:

1. Santhal Tribe

Santhal tribe is the largest tribe of Jharkhand in terms of population . They mainly reside in the districts of Dhanbad, Bokaro, Hazaribagh, Giridih, Chatra Koderma, West Singhbhum, East Singhbhum etc. in the Santhal Pargana division of Jharkhand. Racially, they are kept in the Proto-Australoid category. They have their own language 'Santali' and their own script 'Olchiki '. It is divided into 12 gotras which are Murmu Hansda, Soren, Hembram, Kisku, Baske, Besra, Poriya, Tudu, Genduwar, Chode and Marandi.

The Santhals live in well organized villages. They have ' Manjhithan ' in the middle of the village . Where the Manjhi of the village worships. Manjhithan is considered to be the residence of Manjhi Hadam Bonga . Village panchayats often sit here. Outside the village, there is a 'Zeher Than' between a clump of Sakhua or Mahua trees on one side. Where apart from Jaher Era, other major deities of Santhals reside. Their supreme deity is 'Marangburu' also known as 'Thakur Ji'. The head of the village is located near Manjhi station. Santhals economic life is lacking like other tribes. Agriculture is the main basis of their livelihood. Their food is simple and simple. Paddy is their main crop. Rice is their staple food and Pocha (rice wine)It is a favorite drink, the practice of tattooing is known to Santhals. There is a symbol of a coin in the left hand of a man. If any girl of the society does not want to marry a man without a coin symbol, then the Santhali society is divided into exogamous gotras, kinship Wah is considered a serious crime. There is boundless faith and fear of the unknown towards the clan symbol. Killing, destroying or eating the clan symbol is prohibited.

Many types of marriages are prevalent in Santhali caste like Kiring (daughter-in-law), Bapla, Kiring Jabai, Itu, Nirbolok, Tunki Bapla, Ghar Di Jamai, Seva Vivah, Sanga Vivah etc. Kiring Bapla is the most prevalent marriage. The bride price given to the girl 's side is called ' Pon '. Santhal tribes mainly celebrate festivals like Baha or Ba, Sohrai, Sarhul, Karam, Bandhana, Erok, Maghasim, Hariharsim, etc. Most of their festivals are related to agriculture and nature.

The Santhal 's family is their own social unit. Every Santhal village has 1 gram panchayat headed by a manjhi . He is also the chairman of his panchayat, Majhi gets administrative and judicial rights of the village. He settles all kinds of disputes related to the villagers. Paranik is the deputy head of the village, who helps the manjhi. Manjhi's another assistant is Jogmanjhi, who keeps an eye on the behavior of the people of the society, he helps in solving the marital problem. Jogmanjhi is also called the Sardar of the Santhali youths, he authenticates the execution of his works in the absence of Manjhi. Godet collects all kinds of information related to the people in the society, he communicates all kinds of information to the higher authorities as a messenger.

There is a Desh manjhi for 5-8 villages, such subjects which cannot be settled at the village level, those subjects are sent by the Manjhi to the Desmanjhi for settlement, 15 to 20 villages are merged to form a pargana. Its head is called Parganait. This is the highest administrative and judicial body of the Santhal society, such matters which cannot be settled by the Manjhi or the Country Manjhi, are resolved by the Parganait . Parganait settles disputes arising between more than one village. There is a provision of economic, social and physical punishment for crime in Santali society. endogamy , exogamy , non-tribalThe harshest punishment for sexual offenses and for other serious crimes is vitalaha (social excommunication). Fines for small crimes, punishments for arranging banquets are given. The guilty person has to make arrangements for a collective feast with an apology in front of the society, after that the crimes of the guilty person end, he again becomes a member of the Santhali society .


2. Oraon Tribe 

Oraon is an important and second largest tribe of Jharkhand in terms of population . It is mainly found in Ranchi, Palamu, Hazaribagh, Singhbhum and Santhal Parganas region. Oraon is related to Dravidian caste both in terms of language and race . The main money of Oraon is agriculture. Hunting became his hobby instead of his profession. Every year in Vaishakh 'Visu Sendra', Fagu Sendra in Falgun and 'Jeth Shikar' at the beginning of the rainy season.We do. Apart from this, 'Doraha' hunts according to convenience and desire, which is informal. 'Pasari' practice is also in vogue in Urav tribe. In this, instead of helping someone by giving a plow and bull, he gets help in plowing and thrashing the field. Or there is an exchange of hard work, they help each other in agricultural work. Earlier, the Pacha method was in vogue among them. Youth used to get help through Dhangar Mahto of the youth house, in return they were given food and bones to drink. Now the cash amount is fixed. 'Ghar-di-jamai' system is done to get help. There is an amateur practice in which someone works like a dhangar on the arrangement of living and eating. The family is the basic and smallest social unit of the Oraon tribe , their family is patriarchal and patriarchal. Urav many totemic tribesare divided into Which is called 'Kili '. Tirki, Kachhap, Meenj, Khalkho, Ekka,, Khakha, Kerketta, Lakda, Toppo, Kujur, etc. are their main clans, many types of marriages are seen in them. They do not follow the principle of 'Samgrama ' marriage. Marriage of boy and girl is not liked in any village. They elect 'Sahiya ' to establish an artificial relationship among themselves . This is called Sahiyar, this relationship is very strong. After every 3 years the 'Sahiya Selection Ceremony' takes place. The unmarried girls of the village make friendship with each other in the form of 'Goi' or ' Karamdar ' etc. Similarly boys have 'Lar' or 'Sangi' as their friendship. After marriage their wives also called each other 'larin ' or 'sagini'.They call by saying.


3. Munda Tribe

Munda tribe is a strong and powerful tribe of Kolerian area group in Jharkhand . It is the third largest tribe in terms of population in Jharkhand . Racially, the Mundas are placed in the Proto Austrolite group . Their language Mundari comes under the Austroasiatic language family , it is also called 'Hodo Jagar '. Their main residence is Hazaribagh, Palamu, Gumla, Giridih, Singhbhum, Santhal Pargana etc. The natives of Jharkhand, and the Jharkhand region originated before 600 BC, there are many gotras like Moto Care Munda Ok, Id, Kandulna, Kerketta, Tuti, Dungdung. Tirki, Topno, Purti Barla, Bage, Balmuchu, Bengra, Bodhra, Bhengra Surin, etc. are the main gotras of Munda tribe.

Their main deity is Singhbonga , the village deity is Kamadeva Hatubonga and the mountain deity is Burubonga. Deshauli is the biggest deity of the village, to keep these deities happy Pahan Sarna worships. In every house, the Odabonga (family deity ) is worshiped by the head of the family. The Mundas worship the 'totem' (favorite symbol) . On the occasion of Munda, there are Sarhul Maa Karma, Sohraimaghe, Fagu, Nawakhani, Jitiya, Anauba etc. Most of the festivals are related to agriculture and nature. Mass hunting is organized during the Fagu festival. Sarhul is called 'Ba' festival and the festival of flowers . 'Roapuna ' at the time of paddy planting and 'Jomanwa' festival when new grains come homeSpecially celebrated 'Batauli (Small Sarhul)' festival is celebrated before Ashadh field plowing and smoothing.

The head of their village is called 'Hatumunda ' or 'Munda ', the religious head is called 'Pahan '. Munda represents the entire village. He collects rent from the villagers. Maintains law and order in the village and settles village disputes. Pahan worships the deities and offers sacrifices for the welfare, efficiency and security of the village. Pahan's helper is called "pujar" or "panbhara ". Pahan gets a little rent-free land, which was called Dali-Katari land, he gets a kind of service land , this is called Bhoot Lekha . Inter-rural Panchayat is formed by joining which is called ' Padha Panchayat'.It is said that the settlement of disputes between villages is called 'Manki '. It is considered to be the supreme judiciary and legislator of Munda , in which there are Padha kings. Diwan, Thakur, Kotwar, Pandey, Lal, Karta etc. are officers, Munda's post of Manki is hereditary.


4 . Ho tribe 

The fourth largest tribe in terms of population is the Ho tribe. Which is related to Proto Austrolide category , some scholars consider Ho tribe as a part of Munda tribe , their language is very similar to 'Ho' Mundari and Santhali. At present, he has made his script Bard.Chiti . In Jharkhand mainly East and West Singhbhum Seraikela live in Kharsawan district. Ho villages are situated on Malbhoomi or Ridge. In the middle of some villages, an amphitheater is found, which is called "ate turtud".They say . This is what happens in the General Assembly or the Gram Panchayat meeting, the purpose of both entertainment and training is fulfilled through dance-song-story-talk. Geeti Oda is also found in some villages, where weapons and musical instruments are kept. 'Jaher' is found at the end of the village. The British had also given recognition, there is 'Ading' in one corner of their kitchen, which is the holy place of the ancestors. Agriculture is the main means of livelihood. There are three categories of their land:—

(1) Bedo :=> Bedo which is low land and fertile,

(2) Vadi => Vadi means money farming

(3) Goda land => in which coarse grains are grown and it is less fertile.

' Ili ' is the favorite and holy drink of Ho, ' Ili ' is also offered to Gods and Goddesses. It is patriarchal and patriarchal, Ho is divided into many clans, including Bodra, Birua, Pinguwa, Boyopai, Biruli, Balamuchu, Bage, Baday, Gagarai, Jamu Lugun Laguri etc. are prominent, mainly five types of marriages are seen in the society:-:-

(1) Andi Bapla

(2) Diku Andi

(3) Oporatipi

(4) arranged happiness marriage

(5) dishonor marriage

(6) Service marriage

(7) Golat Marriage

(8) Ghar Jamai marriage

Andi marriage is very prevalent and popular, the bride and groom are called Gonnong or Pon . Marriage with non-tribals is called diku etc. Ho tribe inter-caste marriage is considered prohibited. Often the proposal to form a matrimonial relationship is made by the groom's side. In this tribe , the tradition of one wife prevails, but the tradition of polygamy is also seen. There is no restriction on widow and widow. Bonga Puja is the essence of religion. The supreme deity is Singbonga , other deities include Desaulia Pahui Bonga (village deity), Oti Bodam (earth deity), Marangburu Nage- Bongaetc. is important. They are worshipers of Durga Kali and Hanuman along with Sun, Moon, river and mountain. The main festivals of Ho are Maghe, Baha, Hero, Batauli, Damurai (Dhanropi), Jomnama, Kolobh etc. Almost all the festivals are related to agriculture and nature, Maghe is considered to be the main festival of Ho.


5. Khadia Tribe

Khadia tribe has been living in Jharkhand since ancient times. Although his original residence is believed to be in Magadha and Rohtas region , his residence in Jharkhand is in Gumla, Singhbhum, Hazaribagh and Manbhum. Apart from Jharkhand, they are also found in Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, and Assam. Racially, it comes under the Proto Australoid category , the language of which is a branch of the Khadia Mundari language , which belongs to the Austric Asiatic language family .

There are three main classes of khadia:-

(1) limestone

(2) Dhelki Kharadis

(3) Milk chalk

Among these, hill chalk is the most backward and milk chalk is the most advanced.

Dhelki and Dudh Khadiya live together.” Pahadi Khadiya lives the life of “bring loot and eat kut” – in the peak, slope, and giripad in the rugged areas. Khadia tribe clans are found, in which Keero, Kullu, Gulgu, Jas, Baralia, Chaha, Tesa, Topo, Topno, Dugdung, Muru, Bhuiyan, Wilung, Soreng, Hembrom, etc. are prominent. Gotra system has an important contribution in the marital tradition of this tribe, Sangotriya marriage is prohibited. Among these, giving a girl child is the most valid and popular. This is called “ololaday” or sal marriage. Other marriages are “ughra-ughari” (co-elopement), tapa or tanila (kidnapping), dhukku cholaki (anahoot), engagement, jhinka, or raji-khushi (love-marriage), etc. .Sagai is widow/widower marriage.Second marriage with desertion is also called "Sagai ". Its main festivals are ' Ba Bid ','Bangari ', Kado Leta ', Neodam' etc. Fagu is a hunting festival celebrated by all the Khadias. On this occasion they worship 'Paat' and Boram and offer sacrifices to Sarna. “Ba Bid” is the festival of sowing seeds . It is a public festival . It is the festival of offering Nayodem or 'Dhananua Khiya ' Puja to ancestors before eating new grain or rice.

There is a village panchayat in their place, there is a chief in the village, who is called Pradhan. His assistant is called ' Negi '. There is also a messenger who is called ' Ganda '. The main work of the Panchayat is to determine the customs of the caste, control their operation, punish those who violate it, deny Nishads, settle sexual relations, succession disputes, etc. Re-inclusion in the society, in their society, the caste is considered a social enemy in the catering. Homosexual sex is considered a social enemy, the witch is called ' Doklo Sohor ' .There is a Mahasabha, which works like the Padha Panchayat of Munda Oraon. Presently there has been a change in the Khadia society, their standard of living has been raised, political awareness and consciousness has come in it.


6. Bhumij Tribe 

Bhumij Jharkhandi is one such tribe , called Hindu version of such tribe, they are considered to be of Kolerian group . These species are kept in the Proto-Australoid class . They are known as "Sardars of Dhanbad ". Their population is 209448 according to the 2011 census, which is 2.4% of the tribal population of the state. His residence is Singhbhum, Hazaribagh, Ranchi, Dhanbad etc. districts. Their own language is Mundari, but it is also seen mixed speaking somewhere, Bhumij living in dense forest is given the nickname " Chuhad" on his own caste of Bhoj. Bhumij's own caste panchayatIts head is called Pradhan. This post is Vansa Nugat. This panchayat settles all the disputes of the villagers, it has its own traditional rules and regulations, but the distribution of property for the father should be equal among the brothers and the daughter should get the right on the song of the son, her husband should come with her to the in-laws house. And its violation is considered a crime. Glory is considered to be a serious crime . Shepherding is considered to be a serious crime. Their gram panchayats have become weak since their establishment.


7. Asur Tribe 

Asur is one of the small primitive tribes of Jharkhand its population is 22459 according to 2011 census Jodha state's tribes are 0.26% of the population. Asura is considered as the prestige park of the Indus Civilization. Asuras are mentioned in Rigveda, Upanishads etc. From the racial point of view, Asura is placed in the Proto-Austroloid category . Their language is Asuri, which belongs to the Austroasiatic (Igneous) language family. Presently this language has almost become extinct in the tribal community. Asuri language is also known as Malay language.The main habitat is the Pat region, which is located under Gumla, Lohardaga, Latehar and Palamu districts. Their three sub-castes are found Veer Asura, Birja Asura and Agaria Asura. Asuras have been iron workers since the beginning of time . Iron smelting was their traditional occupation and the only means of livelihood. Presently he is engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry. They call their morning meal as “ Lolo Ghoto Jomku ” and the evening meal as “Yari Ghoto Jomko ”. Bone "Botha" or "Jarnai"It is called Asuras usually come in joint families, but single families are also found. Their society is patriarchal and patriarchal. The Asura caste is divided into several gotras. Beng, Indwar, Toppo, Khusar, Kerketta, Thithiyo, Barwa, Baghna, Aind, Oulu, etc. are the main Gogya. Asura gotra is called Paras, there is a custom of “Chambandi” ceremony in the Asura society.

A leather thread is worn on the baby for protection, which is often untied at the time of marriage, the practice of giving bride price (dali taka) among the Asuras. “Idi-mee” (Idi-tai-ma) is a unique method of marriage among the Asuras. In this, boys and girls live like husband and wife without formalities of marriage, but sometimes they have to complete the marriage ceremony. Sing Bonga is the supreme deity in the Asura religion . Their other main deities are Marag Bonga, Mother Earth, Duari, Patdarha, Tushusid etc. Sohrai , Sarhul, Fagua, Kathdeli, Nawakhani, etc. are their main festivals, 'Baiga' and his assistant Subari play an important role in worship.


8. Banjara tribe 

Banjara is a nomadic tribe whose population is 487 according to the 2011 census, which is 0.01 percent of the state's tribe , seen in almost all areas of Jharkhand, but their main centers are Rajmahal and Dumka of Santhal Pargana Division. In the area, in 1956 they were included in the category of Scheduled Tribes . They call their language "Lambadi" , divided into four groups, the Chauhans, the Pawars, the Rathores and the Urvas. Although clans are not found in Banjara society, some people call themselves “Kashyap”.So let's tell. The title of Rai is quite popular among them. At the time of engagement, some bulls or 140 rupees in cash are given to the groom's side by the bride's side. There is a custom of bride price (Harji). Cash and goods are given in this. There is a practice of widow remarriage in this. Which is called "Niyog" . Narasimha, Thapara, Chinkara, Dhol etc. are their main musical instruments. They consider "Alha-Udal" as their heroic man and this folklore is very popular, Prithviraj Chauhan is often mentioned in his songs. His most popular folk dance is "Dand Khelna" , his Aaradhya is Banjari Devi.


9. Bhathuri Tribe 

Bathuri is also a small tribe of Jharkhand like Banjara . Its population is 3464 according to the 2011 census, which is the state's tribe , the population tax is 0.04 percent. This tribe is the ancestor of Bhui or Bhuiyan. Bathudi tribe connects its association with Kshatriya. Racially representing the Proto-Australoid group. Bathudi TribeThe height is small, the color of the skin is black to black, the hair is black and straight. This Sardar also bears the title Munda. They speak Mundari, most of the Bathudi population is found in the Dhalbhum hills and Subarnarekha valley of Singhbhum region. Most of the Bathudi are landless farmers, whose source of income is wages, they are divided into several gotras on the basis of totem.Ex- tribal marriage in Bathudiis prevalent. This one wife is married. Their main clans are Saluka, Kok, Nag, Panipat, Hutuk etc. They are fond of dance music. There are four types of main musical instruments in Bathudi, Kahangu, Vanshi, Jhal, and Mandar. Their best deity is the village deity, their priest is called Dehri. The main festivals are Ras Purnima, Dehri Puja, Sarol Puja, Makar Sankranti etc. In these, having sex within the gotra or same-sex marriage is considered a serious crime. There is a provision of severe punishment for this. The witch is then ostracized from the village.


10. Bediya tribe 

On the basis of ethnic point of view, Bediya tribe belongs to Proto-Austrolide. Its population as per 2011 census is 100161 which is 1.16% of the tribal population of the state. The place of residence is Bokaro, Hazaribagh Ranchi district. They do not have any language of their own. They use only the language prevalent in their place of residence. Varna system is found in the Bediya tribe , which differentiates it from other tribes. The economic base of Bedia is agriculture. The means of earning their livelihood are forest products and labour. Bedia tribes wear traditional clothes. The traditional clothing of men is   "Kareya", "Kachha", or "Bhagwa", while that of women is "Thethi" and"Digestion" . Their family is patriarchal and patriarchal . Bediya clans are found which are connoisseurs of natural substances and creatures. Chidra, Badwar, Fecha, Kachim, Aher, Bambi, Mahua, Suiya, Sherhar, etc. are some of their main gotras. In matrimonial rites, bride price is given to the girl side, in which organized marriage is the most popular. Inter caste marriage is considered prohibited and it is called “Thukur Theni”.


11. Binjhiya tribe

The tribe that came from Orissa and Madhya Pradesh and settled in Jharkhand is called Vindhya residents , because the original place of residence has been in Vindhya mountain . Its population as per 2011 census is 14404 which is 0.17 percent of the tribal population of the state. Out of which Bijinya, representing the Proto-Australoid tribe, mainly resides in Ranchi, Gumla, Simdega districts. Bijinya TribeLike Bathuri, they also connect their relationship with Kshatriya. Binjhiya society divided into many clans is patrilineal and patriarchal, the main clans are Kulumarthi Nag, Dadul, Kansi, Bhairav, Kashyap, Kaushik, Agnihotri, Kartaha, Manjhi, Pradhan, Dadul, Sahul. etc. These three gotras are Kulumarthi, Dadul, and Sahul Totmi gotras. Extra-marriage system is found in this. There is a tradition of harvesting the bride price. Bijinya TribeThe main types of marriages are arranged marriage, Vadhu, Gulachi Vivah, Golat Vivah, Dhukku Vivah, Sagai Sangha Vivah, etc. In social life, unlike other tribes, we do not have youth houses, and agriculture is the main occupation and rice and pulses are the main food. They drink milk but they are not allowed to eat bones. After agriculture, wage tax is the other major occupation. Binjhinyas worship Vindhyavasini Devi, Gramya Devi, Chardi Devi. Holi, Jiutiya, Dussehra, Sarhul, Karma, Sohrai, etc. are the main festivals. Binjhinya considers the Tulsi plant to be worshipable. There are priests of "Baiga ", they perform religious work.


12.Birjia tribe 

Birjia tribe is a small primitive tribe of Jharkhand . Which belongs to the Proto Australoid species . According to the 2011 census, its population is 6276, which is 0.07 percent of the state's tribal population. It is mainly found in Latehar to Barwadih, Garu, Mahuadand, Balumath, Bhandaria of Garhwa, Bishunpur, Raidih of Gumla district and Senha and Kisco blocks of Lohardaga district. The main occupation of Birjaya caste is farming. The Birjias settled in the Pat-area on top of the mountain do shifting cultivation. Tenancy is its main sub-occupation. “Lukma ” for breakfast , “Kalwa” for lunch and “Biyari” for dinner.Telia Birjia is divided into two parts Sindooriyan and Telia according to the social order. The sub-sections of Telia Birjia are Dudh Birjia and Ras Birjia . Sindoor Birjia use vermilion in marriage while Telia Birjia do not use vermilion. Similarly, Dudh Birjia drinks cow's milk, but does not eat meat. While Ras Birjia drink milk and eat meat too. Among them polygamy is prevalent.


13.Birhor tribe 

Jharkhand's extinct minority is primitive tribe . It is a nomadic tribe . Those who traditionally live in small groups and roam around in the forest, collect tubers, fruits, flowers, etc. and make their living by hunting, racially they are kept in the Proto-Austrolide group. They speak Birhori, which is a part of the Mundari language, which is linguistically placed in the Austro-Asiatic sub-family of the Austric family . These are mainly found in Hazaribagh, Chatra, Koderma, Ranchi, Simdega, Gumla, Lohardaga, Singhbhum, Bokaro, Giridih and Dhanbad. The township of Bihar is called Tanda. The Birhors live in small huts, ' kumba' or 'kurhar'.' They say. "Gitioda" is found in some Tandas , which are cultural places of unmarried boys and girls. Geetioda of boys is known as 'Donda-Kantha ' and Geetioda of girls is known as 'Deendi-Kundi' . The triangular shape of the shallow Birhor also has kumbes. The elder Kumba is called Oda-Kumba and the younger one is called 'Chu-Kumba ', most of the Birhors lead a life of "robbing and eating". A sub-class of them – Janghi Birhors have become permanent cultivators. Their land is of three types – 'Bera' (low-land), 'Goda' (high land) and 'Badi' (middle land)Birhors are skilled in the workmanship of brass, copper and bronze. Birhors are kept in two sub-classes on the way of living-Uthlu or Bhuliya (nomads) and Janghi or Thaniyas (tribals). Shallow Birhors roam the forests in search of food in small groups throughout the year except during the rainy season. The Janghis are permanently settled and cultivate their own land. Many marriages are prevalent in Bihar, in which—

(1) Napam - Bapla

(2) Udra-Udri Bapla

(3) Bolo Bapla

(4) Sipundar

(5) Hirum

(6) Benga-Kadhi

Adi is the main one , Singbonga is the main deity of these , "Heparom" is the main one among the family deities, their dances are of three types-

(1) Dong

(2) Lagri

(3) Mutkar


14. Baiga Tribe

Baiga tribe is a minority tribe of Jharkhand which belongs to Proto Austrolite species, it mainly resides in the districts of Palamu, Garhwa, Ranchi, Latehar, Hazaribagh, etc. In Baiga caste, totemic gotra was not found like other Call Arian group. goes. They consider tiger as a sacred animal. Many types of marriages are prevalent in these. 'Taking advantage' marriage is also called 'Seva Vivah', and 'Uthava Vivah ', 'Raji Khushi Vivah '. Karma dance is the main dance of Baiga, other Baiga dances include 'Jharpat', 'Vimala ' etc. Men perform Dashan or 'Saila' and women perform 'Reena dance' . Their main deity is Baradev, who Lives in 'Sakhua Gach '. Other deities are 'Thakur Dev', 'Mother Earth', 'Aaji-Datti', 'Raat-Mai', etc. The first festival of his year is ' Chareta ', which is a children's feast. Other festivals include 'Bidri', 'Hareli', 'Nav Bhoj', 'Phag' etc. Nava festival is celebrated on New Year.


15. Chero Tribe

Chero is an ancient tribe of Jharkhand , which belongs to Proto Australoid race . Known as 'Barah' and 'Terah Hazari' . They mainly reside in Latehar, Palamu, Garhwa districts. The Cheros of Palamu are divided into two endogamous groups – 'Barah Hazari' and 'Terah Hazari' . Twelve Hazari consider themselves superior, it is said that' Thirteen Hazaris are the children of Barah Hazari's illegitimate wife. Thirteen Hazaris have a low status in Chero society, but they are also called Veer Bandhiya Cheros, which are called 'Pari' .' It is said that both the groups are divided into twelve parallel gotras. Their main clans are: – Chhota Muar, Bada Muar, Chhota Kunwar, Bada Kunwar, Mahto, Manjhiya, Sambat, Rautiya etc. Sundar has told a gotra and 'Sonhait'. In these , clans are not totemic like other tribes . Cheros call themselves Chauhan Vanshi or Chandravanshi Rajput, we have two main methods of marriage – “Dhola and Chadha” . Dhola marriage takes place by bringing a girl to the boy's house, while Chadha marriage takes place in the girl's house, Chadha marriage is more expensive, while Dhola marriage is seen in the poor.


16. Chik Baraik Tribe

Chik Baraik is a weaver tribe of Jharkhand , it mainly works in cloth making. He is called "the father of hand made clothes ". They are mainly found in Ranchi, Khunti, Gumla, and Lohardaga districts. Their culture is mixed, marriage by Thakur, worship by Pahan, the method of Bali Tapavan, and the search of the girl by the groom's side, the trend of bride price (Gonod), Neda, Totem gotra, and celebrating some of their festivals are the main features of their culture. Tribal feature. There is a practice of both widow marriage and remarriage. Remarriage is called "engagement" . The Singbonga consider their supreme deity and goddess Mai as their supreme deity. Among other deities, there are Dihvar Devta, Pitra Dev, Nag Dev, Tiger Dev etc. in VaishakhThere is "Bad Pahad " and "Surjahi Puja" . Earlier there was a practice of human sacrifice, but it was banned. Cloth making, agriculture and labor are their main occupations, rice is their main food.


17. Gond Tribe 

Gond is the second largest tribe of India, their native place is considered to be Gondwana region . Jharkhand mainly resides in the districts of Gumla, East Singhbhum, Simdega, Latehar, Garhwa, Palamu, Giridih, Dhanbad and Bokaro etc. Their population is 53676 according to the 2011 census, which is 0.62% of the tribal population of the state. The language of the Gonds is Gondi , which is considered a part of the Dravidian language family . The Gond tribe of Jharkhand colloquially uses Sadri, Nagpuri language only.

The economy of Gonds is basically based on agriculture and wage labour, they used to do shifting cultivation which is called ' Deepa' or 'Bewar '. Their society is divided into three classes, the first elite class, which is called Raj Gond. In this Malgujar Patel is the owner of the village land. The head usually belongs to this community. In the second category come the Dhur-Gonds who belong to the general category. These are farmers. In the third category, there are landless laborers who are called "Kamiyans" . गोंड There are four bhatridals (fratries) and many totemic clans . In this, homosexual marriage is considered prohibited. Companions do not have different marital relations in the same village, Gonds also follow the " village-exogamy" rule. Each clan or gotra "parasapan"They worship the family deity named 'Fardang' (Bhat or Chaal). The person who performs this work is called 'Thakur Dev' and 'Thakur Dei ' which is the symbol of the sun, their priest is called 'Baiga'. 


18. Godait Tribe 

Godait is a small tribe of Jharkhand . Godait is also called Godait . Its population as per 2011 census is 4937 which is 0.06 of the tribal population of the state. It belongs to the Proto-Australoid race . From the point of view of language, they come under the category of Austri language family , which is locally called Munda language group . In Jharkhand, they mainly reside in Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Singhbhum, Dhanbad, Palamu, Santhal Parganas. They used to work as guards in ancient times. Many totemic clans in Godaitare found, such as Tudu, Bagh, Induar, Khalko, Toppo etc. They worship Goddess Mai and Puruviya, Puruviya a tribes ghost spirit, to whom a goat is sacrificed once. Baiga is their priest; Karma, Sarhul, Sohrai, Jitiya, Nawakhani, Fagu, etc. are their main festivals.


19. Karmali tribe 

Karmali is a very ancient tribe of Jharkhand , they have been living in this area since the stone age. Its population as per 2011 census is 64154 which is 0.74 percent of the tribal population of the state. They are placed in the Proto-Australoid species group . Their language is Kurmali which belongs to Austric language family, Karmali are artisans. He is considered expert in making weapons. Their residence is Hazaribagh, Santhal Pargana, Ranchi, Bokaro Singhbhum etc. Karmali tribesMany types of marriages are seen in this, such as organized marriage, golat marriage, exchange marriage, Udhari marriage, Raji-Khushi marriage, Dhukku marriage, Sangha marriage. In these the bride price is called "Pon" or "Hathua". They consider Damodar as a holy river. Their supreme deity is Singbonga. The one who performs their religious works is called Pahan or "Naya" . Guni Ojha is found in it, whose holy place is called " Deukri" . The main festivals of these are Sarhul Karma, Sohrai, Nawakhani, and Tusu, Tusu is called "Sweet Parab" or "Badka Parab".


20. Kanwar Tribe 

In Jharkhand, Kanwar has been published in the Gazette in 2003 by the Ministry of Law and Justice, New Delhi at number 31 in the category of Scheduled Tribes. Species-wise, it is placed in the Proto - Australoid class . Districts like Kanwar Gumla, Simdega, Palamu Latehar etc. are found in Jharkhand. Its population as per 2011 census is 8145 which is 0.09% of the state's tribal population. Its language is called “ Kanvarati” or “Kavarasi”. Kanwar purchase marriage is the most prevalent, in this bride-price has to be paid, the bridegroom finds and selects a girl leaving her clan or gotra, it is called “ Kutmaiti ” . " Sukdam " to the bride price   It is said. Apart from cash, clothes, 10 pieces of rice have to be given. Which is called "Suk Mol" . Kanwar Sarna is religious, the best deity is called God, called "Baiga" .


21. Kharwar Tribe 

Kharwar is considered a fighting tribe of Jharkhand . This tribe in Palamu Latehar is also known as 'the abode of eighteen Hazari'. According to the 2011 census, the population is 248974, which is 2.88 percent of the tribal population of the state , their residence is in the districts of Palamu, Latehar, Garhwa, Lohardaga, Ranchi, Hazaribagh, Chatra, etc. Their traditional occupation is making katha from Khair tree. Palamu and Latehar '18 Kharwar is famous by the name of Hazari, they consider themselves descendants of Suryavanshi Rajput Harishchandra Rohitashva . Kharwa tribeThere is a lot of difference of opinion about the place of origin and origin, distribution is in the districts of Palamu, Latehar, Garhwa, Lohardaga, Hazaribagh Chatra etc. Physically, their height is medium, long skull, nose is flat, hair is black. The language of Kharwar belongs to the Austric family . But at present all this comes speak Hindi. The village of Kharwar living on flat land is mixed. Their main occupation is agriculture and permanent farmer. Breakfast Lukuma , Lunch Biyari and Dinner Kalevais called Single family and monogamy tradition is found in patriarchal and patrilineal Kharwar tribe. The practice of bride price is found in these, that is, organized marriage is the most prevalent marriage. Apart from this, service marriage, aparahan marriage, golat marriage are found in this Inn. Kharwar is divided into several sub-castes and totem-based gotras. The major ones in these gotras are Kasi, Neelkanth, Hans Gadhiya, Besra, Sahil, Tirki, Chandiyar, Lohwar etc. Their main deity is Singbonga , their religious head is called " Baiga ".


22.Khond tribe 

Khond tribe is a small tribe of Jharkhand. This caste belongs to the Dravidian tribe . This tribe is mainly found in Orissa , some of its numbers are also found in Jharkhand's Santal Pargana, North Chotanagpur Division and South Chotanagpur Division. Its population as per 2011 census is 221 which is 0.003 percent of the tribal population of the state. The dialect of Khond is called "Kondhi" . In the olden days, the practice of human sacrifice was found in Khond, which was called Mariah practice. There are three groups of these. The 'Kuhia ' Khonds live in the hilly areas. "Dongaria Khond"  They live in low hill land and do horticulture work. Deshiya Khond live in even land or low land. Another fourth group of Khond "Sith" lives in Koraput. The Kuhia or Dongaria Khonds practice shifting cultivation which is called “Podcha ”. Their chief deity is Ra Pennu or Belapoon. Other deities are Gramdevata, Thakur Devta, Thakur Dei, Marang Buru etc. “Nabada” festival Nawakhani festival of other tribes It is similar to rice, in which new rice is cooked.


23.Kisan Tribe 

Kisan is a minor scheduled tribe of Jharkhand. He calls himself Nageshiya , initially he used to work in agriculture, hence his identity has been made as a farmer. Its population is 37265 according to the 2011 census, which is 0.43% of the state's tribal population. Their residence is in Palamu, Ranchi, Singhbhum, Lohardaga, etc. districts of Jharkhand. High sex ratio is found in the farmer tribe. Farmer society is divided into two main parts Sinduria and Telia. On the occasion of marriage of one class vermilion and oil in the other class have an important place. Many types of marriages are prevalent in them. The most popular organized Marriage takes place. To get married in the girl's house by taking a marriage procession is called " Chadua " marriage. To get married by bringing a girl to your homeIt is called Gurubaan .


24. Kora Tribe

Kora is a small tribe in Jharkhand. This tribe is also called 'Dangar'. The Kora was included in the tribal list in the 1931 census. Kora are considered to be of the Proto-Australoid species. Its population according to the 2011 census is 32,786 which is 0.38% of the tribal population of the state. The word 'Kora' is derived from the word Mundari Koda which means to grind and cut the soil and their traditional occupation has been to grind the soil. In Jharkhand, Koras are mainly found in Hazribagh, Bokaro, Dhanbad, Singhbhum and Santhal Paragana districts.


The Koras are divided into several subcastes within the tribe which are totemic, Butkoi, Merom, Kauri, Chiara, Kach, Chiravel, Magad, etc. Kach gotras are at the top and Butkoi gotras are at the bottom. The gotras are called 'Gushti. The main dances of Kora are Khemta, Jhingfulia, Golwari and Dual dance. Tattooing is a major ritual of theirs which they consider to be a sign of identifying their relatives in heaven or hell. Their places of worship are Pingi, Akhada, Bongaathan, Ahirthan, Dadithan, etc. Their priest is called Baiga.


25. Korwa Tribe

Korwa is a primitive tribe of Jharkhand belonging to the Proto-Australoids group. Their language belongs to the Korwa Austro-Asiatic language family. Korwas have come from Madhya Pradesh in Jharkhand. Its population according to the 2011 census is 35,606 which is 0.41% of the tribal population of the state. They are mainly found in the mountainous areas of Garhwa Palamu and Latehar districts. Those living on the mountain are called 'Pahari Korwa' and those living in the village below are called 'Dihariya Korwa."


The economy of Korwa is mixed which includes agriculture, hunting, animal husbandry. crafts making, etc. They do shifting agriculture which is called 'Bioral There is gotra or killi system in Korwa in which Hootertians, Kasi, Suiya, Kharpo, Kokat, Buchung, etc. are prominent. Their main deity is Singbonga which is called God. Dharti Mai, Village God, Kul Devta, Raksel. Duraha Chandi and Sokha. Their priest is Baiga.


26. Kol Tribe 

Kol tribe was recognized in 2003 as the 32nd tribe of Jharkhand . From the point of view of racial group, Kol has been kept under Proto-Austroloid . Its population as per 2011 census is 53584 which is 0.62 percent of the tribal population of the state. Their language is said to be similar to Santhali, in the early period the word Kol was used to refer to the tribals of the region. In Jharkhand, Kols are mainly found in Dumka, Deoghar, Giridih, etc. Physical entities: Skin color is dark to dark, hair is black and curly, small to medium, lips are thick and nose is broad, etc., "B" blood group is found in excess. He is a follower of Sarna religion and considers Singboga as the Almighty God. Kol tribeDivided into many totami clans. Their main clans are Hansda, Soren, Kisku, Marandi, Tudu, Chade Hebrum, Basko, Besra, Murmu etc. In patriarchal and patrilineal Kol, single family and gotra exogamous tradition is found. The tradition of bride price is also found in them. It is called " Pote ". Their main deity is Sigbonga . They also worship many Hindu gods and goddesses. They are naturalists and worship trees like Sakhua, Mahua, Mango etc. Traditionally iron smelting work and agriculture is their main (Kol tribe) profession. Traditional panchayat system is found in Kol tribe , this chief is called Pradhan Mankshi , in his panchayat, caste, social and other disputes are resolved.


27. Lohra Tribe 

Lohra is a professional caste in the Scheduled Tribes of Jharkhand. Racially, Lohra is placed in the Proto Austro-Lyd group. Its population as per 2011 census is 216226, which is 2.50 percent of the tribal population of the state. It is mainly found in Ranchi, Gumla, Simdega, Lohardaga, Singhbhum, Santhal Parganas, Hazaribagh, Palamu, Dhanbad, Bokaro, Giridih districts. Lohra use Sadani language, their language is Sadani.

The traditional occupation of the Lohra tribe is blacksmithing, they make agricultural implements of iron. The tradition of monogamy and exogamous marriage is found in the patriarchal and patrilineal Lohra tribe. In these, the gotra system based on totem is found. Among these, the main clans are Saath, Son, Magahiya, Tutli, Tortoise, Paddy, Tirki etc. Bride price is found in these. Singbonga and Dharti Mai are their main deities. Their main festivals are Sarhul, Karma, Sohrai and Fagua etc.


28. Mahali Tribe 

Mahali is a Shilpi tribe of Jharkhand, which is considered skilled and proficient in the art of bass. These are mainly found in Ranchi, Lohardaga, Gumla, Simdega, Singhbhum, Santhal Parganas, Hazaribagh, Dhanbad, etc. Mahli belongs to Proto Australoid species. There is an excess of "B" in these. Mahalis are divided into five sub-castes:-

1. Baans Phod Mahali – Work related to bamboo.

2. Patar Mahali - Making bamboo utensils and doing farming, it is mainly found in Tamar area.

3. Sulki Mahli — Farming and wage work

4. Tanti Mahli - On the occasion of marriage, they do the work of carrying the palanquin and playing the flute.

5. Mahli Munda —- Labor and agriculture work.

Mahali's cultural heritage is very rich. Most of the members of Sangeet Srijan are from Mahli tribe. Ghasiram, the great lyricist of Nagpuri, belonged to this tribe sub-branch, whom the people called "Vidypati of Nagpuri". Their supreme deity is Surji Devi. Among other deities “Barh Pahadi Mansa Devi is the main one”. Mahli ancestors are worshiped in the form of “Godam Saki”. Bangari, Hariari, Navakhani etc. festivals are celebrated. In Silli region “Utur Puja” is performed.


29. Mal Paharia Tribe

Mal Paharia Paharia caste is one of the two main branches. Species wise Mal Paharia is kept in Proto-Austroloid group. Its language is called Malto. Which is considered to be the language of the Dravidian family. Its population is 135797 according to 2011, which is 1.57% of the tribal population of the state. Malpahadia is mainly from Santhal Pargana's Dumka, Jamtara, Godda, Deoghar, Pakur etc. They are found in the districts. Mal hills mainly do farming, collection of minor forest products, labor etc. They also do jhum or kurva farming. Mal Paharias divide their land into four categories – called Sem, Tikur, Dame land. Sem land is very fertile. Tikur is less fertile land. The land between these two is called Dame land. Adjacent is the kitchen garden, where vegetables are grown, in Mal Paharia it is customary to give pig as bride price


30. Sauria Paharia Tribe

The second branch of Paharia tribe is known as Sauriya Paharia. Its population is 46222 as of 2011 census, which is 0.53% of the state's tribes. There is a primitive tribe of Jharkhand, they call themselves Malar. Racially, they are kept in the Proto-Austroloid category. Their language is Malto, which belongs to the Dravidian language family. Malto language is very similar to Oraon language Kudukh. They mainly reside in Santhal Pargana Sahibganj, Pakur Jamtara Godda and Deoghar district. The villages of Sauriya Paharia are mostly situated on the hill tops and forested hill slopes. Their residences are called "Adda". Their economy is dependent on agriculture and forest. They also do the work of shifting agriculture (Kurwa). Apart from this, they do Langal farming or Halwahi and Sawai farming. The people living on the slope do farming by plowing which is called “Bhitha or Dhami”. The Malpahadiyas consider them impure due to eating cow meat.Sauria Pahadiyas are an endogamous community.Gotra is not found among them.Vedu Seedhu (priest) conducts the marriage ceremony.Souria has the practice of burying the dead body. Called "Kodbah" or "Kodwaha Adda", there are "Marsmak Kodbah" for young men and "Pelmak Kodbah" for girls, where young men and women are informed about the aspects of social, cultural, religious, and economic life, traditional informal It is given through education. There is a practice of burying the dead body in Sauria. Their youth house is called "Kodbah" or "Kodwaha Adda". There are "Marsmak Kodbah" for boys and "Pelmak Kodbah" for girls, where young girls are informed about the aspects of social, cultural, religious, and economic life through traditional informal education.Sauria Paharia's Ancestor worship has an important place in religious life. Their main deities are Beru Gosai (Sun), Bilpa Gosai (Moon), Laihu Gosai (Creator), Darmare Gosai (Satya Dev), Jarmatre Gosai (Birth God), etc. Lahu Gosai is the deity of the best and omnipotent. Po Gosai is the deity of the highway, and Autaga is the deity of hunting. Religious functions are conducted by “Kando Mankshi”. Kotwar and Chalwe worship him, Chaal Gosai is worshiped in Jaherthan Gangi Adya in Bhado, Osra Adya in Kartik, and Poonu Adya in Pus are celebrated in connection with the harvest. Saliani worship of Sauria is done in Magh or Chait.


31. Parhiya tribe

Parhiya is a small primitive tribe of Jharkhand. Its population as per 2011 census is 25585 which is 0.03 percent of the state's population. They mainly live in the districts of Latehar, Palamu, Garhwa and Hazaribagh. Racially, Parhiya is kept Proto-Australoid. The economic condition of Parhiya tribe is very pathetic, their hut house is called Jhala. Like the Birhiya tribe, they used to do shifting agriculture (Bioda or Jhum) in the hills. Here the family is counted by "kurala" (stove). There is no gotra system at the practical level. But there is a system of kinship which is divided into “Pari”. Kinship is divided into two parts;- “Dhaiyania and Sanahi”. Dhayaniyya's relation is linked by birth and its members are called "Kul Kutumb". Sanahi's relationship is formed by marriage and its members are called Hit-Kutumb.


32. Sabar Tribe 

Sabar is a small primitive tribe of Jharkhand. The history of this caste is very ancient and glorious. Sabar caste is mentioned in Tretayug millions of years ago. Sabar is also known as Paharia Khadiya and has a population of 9688 as of 2011 India census. Which is 0.11 percent of the state's tribal population. These forms are mainly found in eastern and western Singhbhum. Apart from this, its population is found in the districts of Giridih, Dhanbad, Bokaro, Gumla, Ranchi, Lohardaga etc. There are four sub-castes of Sabar, in which three 'Jhara', "Basu" and "Jantapati" are found in Orissa and the fourth sub-caste "Jhara" does not have gotra system here.

There are four sub-castes of Sabar who come and live in the Mahanadi valley of Odisha. In this, three 'Jhara', 'Basu' and 'Jantapati' are found in Orissa, the fourth sub-caste 'Jhara' lives in Dhalbhum of Jharkhand. Their skin color is dark to dark, height is short, nose is broad, hair is black and wavy. There is no gotra system in Sabar, they practice ancestor worship, the dead ancestor is called Budha Budhi or Mahinmasan. Cock is sacrificed, lack of youth house is found in Sabar caste. In these, the tradition of bride price is found, the traditional rules, laws and customs control the social conduct.

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